About Us

Sky Predators is committed to giving you the best possible falconry-based bird abatement.

We are proud to offer the best natural control solution to bird problems.

Chase Delles with his dogs and falcon

Chase Delles, owner and founder of Sky Predators started handling raptors at the age of 8 and got his falconry permit at the age of 15. For the last 23 years, he has been training and flying raptors in the art of falconry.

While having trained and flown a variety of raptor species, his personal love in the falconry world is training and hunting with golden eagles. Chase and his hunting partner Dexter, a male golden eagle, travel to a variety of states in the off-season pursuing jackrabbits.

Chase has the honor of being one of only 7 falconers in the world asked to join the eagle training team for the International Festival of Falconry hosted in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) in 2011.

Unlike some other abatement services, we do not outsource our contracts. All the falconers used by Sky Predators are hand-picked by Chase and hold all the proper licensing and training.

Falconry and raptor-based bird abatement is highly regulated.

Chase holds a federal abatement permit, federal eagle falconry permit, and master class state falconry permit.

We can handle contracts all over the US.

When a client proposes a job, Chase reviews the details and will personally visit the site to go over specifics, discuss the probable outcome, and provide a demonstration/test flight if desired.

We take pride in everything we do, and it is our mission to make sure all of our clients are happy and satisfied with our work. That is why we only use falconers with proven teams of birds that we know and trust. It is also why we take a personal interest in every job because providing a high standard of service is key to maintaining our good reputation.

We pride ourselves on personally training all of our birds and providing the best care possible to them.

Falcons housed in a weathering

Chase has also been the subject of articles in national periodicals and podcasts.

At Sky Predators Bird Abatement, we pride ourselves on delivering top-quality services, and we are eager to provide our expert falconry-based solutions to address any bird-related challenges at you are facing.

Contact us for more information on all of your abatement needs!

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